Short but important message about taking the time to do things properly from an old school coder Pavel Krušina.
I started my programmer life with ZX Spectrum+ at the end of last century. Later I played with some C++ and AI. These days as I get older I focus on something simpler and more straightforward – the Salesforce platform.
Which “professional” books have you read that you liked or would recommend others to read. Great if they are Salesforce (Developer) related but they don’t necessarily have to be.
I like reading the whole Uncle Bob series from Clean Code to Clean Architecture and Working Effectively with Legacy Code.
Courses & Events
Did you follow any online (or in person) courses? Are there any that you would recommend? Do you participate in Meetups or organised User Groups?
For pre-certification-exam training I use FocusOnForce courses.
Give a shout out to any (Salesforce) Blogs that you follow are are fan of. You don’t need to be a regular reader, or maybe even just one post that may have got your attention.
I have no favourite blogs, I just pseudorandomly hop between sources as friends and google point me to.
Forums and Discussion Channels
Where do you look for help or answers to problems you can’t solve yourself? Do you spend time answering other peoples’ questions? Where?
I usually seek help from my colleagues. And of course I try to help them if I can.
IDE and Extensions
What’s your setup? Specifically when doing Salesforce Development work. Any features or extensions you would recommend.
My setup is pretty vanilla – just a VS code with vim emulation.
Other Tools
Any other software that you can’t do without?
ViM and Perl, zsh, openssh. What else could one possibly need?
Anything Else
Anything else you want to add that doesn’t fit above? What else do you do or use to be a good Salesforce Developer?
The most important thing for me is time. I use time and maybe sometimes a lot of it to make the code structured, readable and testable. Luckily these things converge. I also take advantage of code review by my peers.
BTW How much time does unit tests programming take you? It seems to me that writing unit tests take me approximately two times the time to write the actual production code. Do you think it is too much or too little?
Plug Yourself
Would you like to share your profiles and websites? Any public repos or project/work that you need some love?
I have no public profile or site, I keep a low attack surface 🙂 Or to be honest I have little time to maintain those things.
Tabs of Spaces
For a bit of light entertainment, my favourite “controversial” topic. What’s your preference? Do you care? I love to pretend to care more than I do, though I am genuinely looking for someone to convince me my choice is wrong.
Who cares about whitespaces today? As long as the team has consistent Prettier configurations the actual setting is Pretty irrelevant.
I think the time to take tests is about right. Or at least it should be. 🙂