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Michal Verner


Ton useful tips and links to tools and repos from a seasoned freelancer Michal Verner.


I’m a Salesforce developer based in Prague, Czechia. I’ve been working with Salesforce for almost 10 years. I started my career as a Java developer and got into a Salesforce ecosystem almost by coincidence. There was a new project coming in the company I used to work for. Some new cloud technology – Salesforce? What’s that? So we built a team, learned Salesforce, did some certifications and started working on it. It went quite well and since then I stayed in the Salesforce world. I lived and worked in London for almost 4 years. I started in the consultancy business, but now I mostly work for Salesforce customers directly.

Currently, I work remotely as a contractor for a small startup in London.

I like to write clean and scalable code (which doesn’t always happen). I’m a big fan of DX, LWC and javascript. And I guess like most devs I’m quite lazy, so always trying to automate as many things as I can think of.


Honestly, I don’t remember reading any book about programming. I think those books were and are on my list, but so far I’ve always cherry-picked what I needed and just read some bits and pieces. 

Some great Salesforce unrelated books I recently read:

  • Black Box Thinking: a great book about how mistakes are important. As a bit of a perfectionist, I really enjoyed it and I hope I improved a little bit my attitude to making mistakes and not being overly afraid of doing them.
  • No Rules Rules: another great book about how to run a business without any rules in place and how it can elevate a business when it has only the top employees on the market.

Courses & Events

I’m trying to attend all of the Prague SF User Group events. I spoke at one of the meetups last year. I went to CzechDreamin and London’s Calling this year. Both conferences were great and I think it was definitely worth going as it left me with lots of thoughts and things to try.

I didn’t attend this year, but also Salesforce World Tours are quite nice events, less technical, but quite good for networking and seeing some familiar faces.

Dreamforce is on my bucket list, so hopefully, one day as an attendee or speaker if I have some interesting topic, let’s see.


Well of course Pragmatic Bear. Then I read sometimes Salesforce Ben, but that doesn’t have much dev content. Then Blog Martina Humpolce, a nice summary of what’s going on in Salesforce. Trailhead – finally got to a Ranger rank, something long overdue.

I’m trying to keep up with Developer Blog | Salesforce Developers. Also recently I found Architects | Salesforce where you can find more about Salesforce architecture and how Salesforce works under the hood. Similar Salesforce Engineering Blog goes into detail about what is behind the Salesforce platform.

Other than that I land quite often on some blog when searching for something or through Twitter or LinkedIn post, but I’m not really good at bookmarking the blog and following it later, something to improve.


I use LinkedIn quite often. As I have quite a lot of recruiters there the content is a little bit mixed, but still, it keeps me entertained and there is interesting content from fellow Salesforce devs.

Recently I’m experimenting with Twitter and looks quite promising, when I changed my list of people to follow to be mostly Salesforce related, then the content is relevant and good.

Forums and Discussion Channels

Salesforce Stack Exchange is my preferred tool for finding answers or asking questions. I’m trying to answer questions when I have time, but still a bit of a newbie there. 

I think I’ve almost never found much on the Salesforce Developer Forums. For some reason at least I have a feeling the quality of answers in comparison with StackExchange is several levels lower. Maybe it’s because of the StackExchange reputation system as it motivates people to give more thought to the answers.

I’ve joined the Salesforce Ohana Slack in the past, but it felt really overwhelming. I think it might be a good time to try again at some point.


Not really using it as a social platform, but using it every day for work. Repos I’d like to give a try or currently following:

And probably many more I just don’t remember and can’t think of now. Anyway, GitHub is great!

IDE and Extensions

VS Code with Salesforce Extensions (Monokai theme). I used to use the Illuminated cloud but migrated to VS code as there was finally some modern Salesforce IDE officially supported for Salesforce devs. 

I was part of the GitHub Copilot trial, sometimes the suggestions were way off, but sometimes especially for similar code, it was scary good. Unfortunately, this has expired now for me and not sure it was adding that much value to start paying for that. Still definitely worth trying out, sometime it’s really like, how do they know? 😀

Other Tools

I’m using Z shell and Oh My ZSH! (spaceship theme). It shows configurable prompts on the command line – I’m using it to see the current directory name, git branch, node version and executed time of command. I’m using git, sfdx, zsh-autosuggestions plugins. Overall it’s like a command line on steroids, great!

SoqlXplorer – as the names suggest it’s for running SOQL queries

Slack – just a great tool for team communication, still waiting to add some Salesforce integration to it, but it’s on the list

1Password – I mean how can really any company live without a proper password manager in place?

Insomnia – great for testing GraphQL API

Anything Else

Peer reviews – I think that’s the best invention ever and something every team of devs should do

Plug Yourself

My site Michal Verner. Not much in there now, but maybe it’s never too late to start a blog.

Tabs of Spaces

Spaces of course. With prettier or any other formatting tool I think it really doesn’t matter nowadays anymore.

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